
Our Mission

Mission of The Horn  of Africa center for strategic & international studies is dedicated to bringing the insights of scholarship to bear on the foreign policy and national security challenges facing Somalia and the horn region(8).

It seeks to educate the public, teach researchers, political and economic analyst, teachers, train students, and offer ideas to advance Somali national interests based on a nonpartisan, geopolitical perspective that illuminates contemporary international affairs through the lens of history, geography, and culture. Offering Ideas In an increasingly polarized world, we pride ourselves on our tradition of nonpartisan scholarship.

Educating the Somali & African Public  Horncsis.org was founded on the premise that an informed and educated citizenry is paramount for the our nation  to conduct a coherent foreign policy. Through in-depth research and events on issues spanning the geopolitical spectrum,

Website http://www.Horncsis.org

Founded: 2005

Specialties: Horn of Africa, Yemen, China BRI, Russia, Turkish, and Eurasia Geostrategic affairs. U.S. Foreign Policy, the Middle East,  Terrorism,  Red sea and Indian ocean Basin,

Locations (1) Primary: Jidka wadnaha Hwy., Hodan, Mogadishu, Somalia(Horn of Africa).

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